Is there more to coffee than just drinking it? Experts say that the smell of the beans is just as important. We discuss the science behind why coffee often smells better than it tastes and teach some new vocabulary along the way.


Tim Hayward is a coffee shop owner. He appeared in the BBC Radio 4 programme The Kitchen Cabinet. How important does he say the smell of coffee is?


Tim Hayward, Coffee shop owner
It’s absolutely vital, it’s the key thing. When you walk in to the coffee shop in the morning and that smell hits you, you’re getting physiological responses.


Tim Hayward says the smell of coffee is vital. That means it’s very important, it’s perhaps the most important thing. And he backs this up by saying that it’s the key thing.


And he says that when you experience the smell, when the smell hits you, you get a physiological response. This phrase means your body has a reaction to the smell of coffee. Perhaps your mouth begins to water in anticipation.

さらに、その匂いを経験すると、ふたたび匂いを嗅いだとき生理学的反応が起こると言っています。 この生理学的反応とは体がコーヒーの香りに反応することを意味します。つまり予想しただけで口の中に唾液が分泌するようなことです。

We know how important the smell is, so what is the effect of the lid on that experience? Well here’s Tim Hayward again talking about coffee being served with lids.

匂いがどれほど重要かを学びました。ではその経験において、コーヒーカップの蓋の作用って何でしょう? ティムが蓋付きのコーヒーについて話しています。

Tim Hayward
What baffles me is that how many of the large coffee chains actually sell a product in a cup that removes the smell. So you walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell, but when you actually take the drink out you are drinking it from something that is designed to deliver the hot liquid directly past your tongue but stop any smell coming up to your nose. That’s just weird.

