
In this programme we’ll be talking about the emotion of shame. It can be a verb or a noun. As a noun it’s an emotion for the uncomfortable feeling we have when we feel embarrassed or guilty about something that we’ve done. It’s a very strong feeling.


The idea of shame is not new, by any means, but social media has made it a very modern concept, hasn’t it? Yes, when it’s used as a verb, to shame someone, it means to say or write things in public designed to make other people feel bad about their behaviour and this is something we see a lot in social media.

恥という考え方は決して新しいものではありませんが、ソーシャルメディアによって極めて現代的な概念になっていませんか。そうです、動詞として、shame someone と表現する場合、他の人々に対して自分たちが犯した行動について悪いと感じるように意図して、公共の場で発言したり書いたりすることを意味します。これはソーシャルメディアでよく見られます。

This topic was discussed on a recent edition of the BBC radio programme Woman’s Hour. One of the guests was Hetta Howes from City University, London. Does she think that shame is always a bad thing?

このトピックは、最近編集されたBBCラジオ番組「ウーマンズアワー」で議論されました。ゲストの一人は、ロンドン市立大学のヘッタ・ハウズでした。 彼女は恥を常に悪いことだと考えているでしょうか?


Hetta Howes
If you have too much shame it’s crippling, it’s sort of debilitating and that’s bad, but the right amount of shame can be really positive because it effects change and I wonder if we’re starting to see that a bit in modern culture as well from sort of social media platforms because if someone’s done something that we consider to be a little bit wrong, we can sort of publicly shame them and maybe effect some positive change.



So is shame always bad? Well, she does say that too much shame can be crippling and debilitating. Both these words mean that shame is so strong that we really can’t manage the emotion, we can’t deal with it, we can’t do anything to put it right. But she does say that a bit of shame can be positive because it effects change. This means that it causes change. If someone is shamed on social media, it’s very public and can mean that they change their behaviour.



crippling  (機能を失わせるほどの)大きなダメージを与えるとの形容詞表現
debilitating  衰弱している


The Gift of Shame: A Positive Look at a Negative Emotion