How do you keep children educated and entertained at home in situations like the lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic? We’ll listen to an expert who gives parents tips on coping and teach you some useful vocabulary.


With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic many children are having to take an extended and unplanned break from school.


And with schools now shut for the foreseeable future, this is creating challenges – both for children who can no longer meet their friends to play outdoors and for parents who want to keep their children occupied and focused without spending hours watching TV or playing on mobile phones.


In this programme, we’ll be discussing some advice for parents trying to keep their children educated and entertained at home in these unusual times. Of course, what’s happening right now is very different from normal school holidays.


Parents and children may be living together under lockdown for weeks on end and this can be stressful as BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours discovered when they spoke to parenting expert, Elizabeth O’Shea.

親と子供は何週間もロックダウン状態で一緒に生活しているとしたら、BBC Radio 4のプログラムで子育ての専門家であるエリザベス・オシェの話から分かるように、そういった生活は間違いなくストレスをもたらすだろうということです。

Elizabeth O’Shea
The most important thing is see this as an opportunity. It’s unprecedented what’s going on but you may have a chance to have two or more weeks with your children and if you can change your attitude towards that you can actually enjoy this time and teach your children amazing coping skills for dealing with difficulties in the future.


Elizabeth thinks that having a positive attitude by seeing the lockdown as an opportunity will help in this unprecedented situation – a situation which has never happened before.


Adults are full of life experience and parents can teach their children things they wouldn’t get to learn at school. Being able to spend time at home with your children can be a great opportunity to teach them coping skills – skills they can use to cope, or deal with, stressful situations.


One of Elizabeth’s main ideas is that parents shouldn’t try to re-create a school classroom at home. Instead, it might be better to work with your children as a team and decide together what you’d like to do.


Here she is talking about keeping kids entertained at home.


Elizabeth O’Shea
I would brainstorm ideas and then draw up timetables of what you’re going to do each day. Include a nice chunk of time, normally after lunch, for a bit of downtime – quiet reading or quiet play but then, the rest of the time, build in activities. So playing with your children is wonderful – ball games, board games, card games, word games, anything – doing a family disco – anything that is fun and entertaining for them.


And if it all starts going wrong, here’s Elizabeth again with a final tip.


Elizabeth O’Shea
Pillow fights are also a great way to let off stream.


