映画「最高の人生の見つけ方」の原題が The Bucket List (バケットリスト)だとご存知でしたか。



Have you always wanted to learn to dance the tango, do a magic trick, or skydive? If so, perhaps you need a bucket list – a list of all the things you want to do before you die. A list might sound great but they’ve also been accused of limiting the imagination by encouraging people to follow someone else’s idea of the perfect life.


Bucket lists have been called ‘the greatest hits of your life’ and have helped some people overcome anxiety and fear of following their dreams.


But they’ve also been accused of limiting the imagination by encouraging people to follow someone else’s idea of the perfect life.


We’ve heard so many stories about how it improves your mental health.


Well, that was certainly true in the case of blogger Annette White. She listed hundreds of things she wanted to accomplish – from learning Spanish to hanging out with penguins in Antarctica – as a way of improving her psychological wellbeing. Here she is talking to Claudia Hammond for BBC Radio 4’s programme All in the Mind:



Claudia Hammond, presenter
You said that you started all this to try to help you overcome your anxiety – has it done that?


Annette White, blogger
It definitely has and I feel that the reason is because that promise to live my bucket list really continuously pushes the comfort zone to its limits and beyond it. So every time I can have a chance to step out of my comfort zone, a little piece of that fear of the unknown is removed and replaced with a little piece of empowerment, and by continuously doing that, the size of my fear bubble has gotten smaller.



Well, that all sounds pretty good to me. But not everyone is convinced that bucket lists can really help people like Annette in the long run. Here’s clinical psychologist Linda Blair to explain why:



Linda Blair, clinical psychologist
I’m not really in favour of bucket lists. There are a couple of reasons. Most of all, you’re kind of fooling yourself with a bucket list. We fear death, more than I think we fear anything else in our existence, because we can’t predict it, and because we don’t know what it’s like because nobody comes back and tells us. And when you create a bucket list – something to do before you ‘kick the bucket’, the idea that you’re giving yourself is that you can somehow control when and what death is going to be all about. We only make sense of our lives at the end of it. A bucket list takes you away from the chance to be spontaneous and I think it’s so delicious to be able to say, ‘that’s an opportunity? – oh, I’ll do that!’

臨床心理士 リンダ・ブレア


Linda also uses an unusual expression which gave ‘bucket list’ its name in the first place. A bucket list is all the things you want to do before you ‘kick the bucket’ – an informal way of saying, ‘die’.


‘Kick the bucket’ is an old English expression that was even used by Shakespeare. It refers to kicking the bucket away from under the feet of a hanging man, leaving him to drop to his death.

