



Takeaway apps are changing food culture – if in the past, food delivery meant having a pizza or a curry when you didn’t feel like cooking. Now you can find dishes cooked by chefs at ‘virtual’ restaurants.


Over the last few weeks many takeaway companies have seen orders increase dramatically as people find themselves stuck at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. But what are they choosing to eat? That’s a quiz question for today, – last year what was Deliveroo’s most ordered dish? Was it:
a) Hawaiian Poké bowls?
b) Cheeseburgers?
c) Chicken burritos?

a) ハワイアン・ポケボウル?
b) チーズバーガー?それとも
c) チキンブリトー?

OK, we’ll find out later if you were right. One consequence of the increasing popularity of takeaways is something called ‘dark kitchens’. Unlike apps such as Deliveroo and Just Eat which connect customers to local takeaways, these digital ‘dark kitchens’ work as just-for-delivery restaurants. Inside, chefs cook in kitchens without waiters, tables or diners, preparing high-quality dishes ready for delivery straight to your home.

正解はあとから。さてテイクアウトの人気が高まっていることの一つの帰結として、「ダークキッチン」と呼ばれるものがあります。DeliverooやJust Eatのように、地元のテイクアウト店と顧客をつなぐアプリとは異なり、デジタルな「ダークキッチン」は、宅配専門のレストランとして機能します。店内にウェイターやテーブルもなくて、食事をするお客もいないキッチンでシェフが調理し、高品質の料理をご自宅に直接お届けするのです。

One of the first ‘dark kitchen’ operations, Taster, was started by chef Anton Soulier who in 2013 was working for Deliveroo when it was just a tiny company operating only in London. Now he’s in charge of twelve kitchens catering for customers in London, Paris and Madrid.

最初の「ダークキッチン」事業の一つであるTasterは、Deliverooで働いていたシェフのAnton Soulierによって2013年に開始されました。その時は、ロンドンだけで運営される小さな会社でしたが、現在はロンドン、パリ、マドリードに12のキッチンの責任者となっています。

Sheila Dillon of BBC Radio 4’s The Food Programme went to the Bethnal Green area of east London find out more.


Sheila Dillon****************************
When you go on the Taster website the restaurant names are virtual, all of them sold as ‘designed for delivery’ by Taster. What that means is all the menus, drawn up by serious chefs are designed to travel well, chosen so they’ll be warm, retain their texture and won’t look like a dog’s dinner when they come off the back of a bike. So strangely the delivery, the bike, has become a shaper of the foods we eat.



Usually the takeaways are transported in a box on the back of a delivery cyclist who rushes them from the kitchen to the customer’s home. It’s a very modern way of eating, which Sheila thinks has become a shaper of the foods we eat – meaning that it has a strong influence on how a situation develops.


However some are worried that the increase in takeaways and delivery-only food means people are losing basic cooking skills. It’s something that Taster boss Anton has noted too.


Anton Soulier*********************************
There is a strong underlying trend that maybe, in twenty, thirty years people won’t have kitchens – and it’s already happening in the US for example. I love cooking, it’s one of my passions but I’m rarely doing it – occasionally on Sundays and everything as it’s almost going to become a weekend hobby.



People choosing to eat takeaways instead of cooking at home has become an underlying trend – a general development in how people behave which is real but not immediately obvious.


The correct answer was a) Hawaiian Poké bowls – a Hawaiian version of sushi.

