


In this programme we’ll be the discussing the importance of handwashing in the prevention of germs and viruses. And we’ll start off by meeting the first person to realise that keeping hands clean can really help prevent diseases being passed on.

このプログラムでは、細菌やウイルスの防止での手洗いの重要性について論じます。 まず人に会ったら手を清潔に保つことが病気の伝染を防ぐのに本当に役立つことを理解することからすべてが始まるのです。

What’s for sure is that Ignaz Semmelweiss was a hero to Val Curtis, a director at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Here she is talking to BBC Radio 4’s Science Stories:

確かなことは、現在ロンドン衛生熱帯医学校でディレクターを努めるヴァル・カーティスにとってイグナズ・ゼンメルワイスこそが英雄だったことです。 彼女はBBC Radio 4のサイエンスストーリーに出演して、こう話しています。

Val Curtis, Director, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Semmelweiss is kind of my patron saint. Handwashing has been my life for the last thirty years working on trying to improve hygiene, mostly in developing countries and he was really the first to identify the importance of keeping hands clean in the prevention of the transmission of infection. And since the beginning of my career working in public health I’ve been trying to understand how diseases get spread and what the best way of preventing it is, and handwashing jumped out as being the most important means of preventing infections, particularly in developing countries.

ゼンメルワイスは私の守護聖人とも言うべき人です。私にとって「手洗い」は過去30年間ライフワークであり、そのほとんどを発展途上国での衛生状態の改善のために捧げてきました。それを教えてくれたのが彼で、感染の伝染を防ぐために手を清潔に保つことがいかに重要であるかを最初に認識した人物です。私自身、公衆衛生でのキャリアの初めから、病気がどのように拡大し、それを防ぐ最善の方法が何であるかを理解するために努力を続けてきました。特に開発途上国では、感染を防ぐ最も重要な手段が手洗いであり、そのことが強いインパクトを持っているのです 。

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis Hungarian: Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp (1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the “saviour of mothers”, Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as “childbed fever”) could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics.


Val’s work is all about improving hygiene – practices for maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.


And she was clearly influenced by the work of Dr Semmelweiss because she calls him her patron saint – a kind of guide and protector believed to give special help or inspiration.


But Dr Semmelweiss is also a good example of science communication. Getting the message out so people understand the importance of hygiene is difficult. And ‘wash your hands’ jumped out – or made a strong impact – as a simple message to communicate. Here’s Val again:


Val Curtis, Director, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
It wasn’t until we wrote a paper in 2003 that showed the evidence that handwashing could save a million lives that actually people started to take it seriously and handwashing became a big important issueinternationally. So for me the lesson from Semmelweiss is: don’t scream and shout and accuse people of doing things wrongly but patiently get the data out there and tell your story in a positive way.

